what i’ve done

So let mercy come,
And wash away,
What I’ve done.

To be honest, I haven’t done much work on my project during this new year. Well, none whatsoever actually. I’ve been concentrating on finishing my ADC assignment and also studying for my Entrepreneurial exam. And the fact that Fairuz dapat a new Xbox 360 free with his new handphone didn’t help either.

hairy, pear and i are studying. seriously.

Hold on. Let’s go back to last term. At the end of last term to be exact. I completed my project’s Inception Report before the holidays started so that I could fully concentrate on my winter break. Yes, concentrate. As soon as the holiday began, I was already at Stansted Airport to go to Stockholm, Sweden with Pear and Fifi. We visited Matlut and disturbed his preparation for his exam. Sorry!

in front of the mosque at medborgarplatsen. matlut is transporting back to his room so he could go study for his exam.

It was very very cold there. Tu la, sapa suruh gi sana masa musim sejuk. Padan muka. I was hoping that there would be snow so it would be more worthwhile braving the freezing cold. Alas, there wasn’t any. Not even a tiny flake. When Mr Snow did decide to visit Stockholm, I was already back in London. Sigh.

me ‘disturbing the leaves’ of pear and fifi (kacau daun) at skansen. the nordic museum is behind us.

Fifi and Pear continued sightseeing in Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest while I flew back to London because Kesum was coming. She came all the way from Canada so I had to be there. Terpaksa. Hehe. So I took her sightseeing in London for 3 days. Actually, it was the first time that I went to Kensington Palace and the Natural History Museum even though I’m already in my fourth year here. And it was the second time that I went to Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of guards session. But it was the first time I went there wearing baju melayu and Kesum was wearing her baju kurung. Why? Because it was Hari Raya Haji and we went there straight after Aidil Adha prayers at Malaysia Hall.

snow globe
kesum and i were shrunk by british airways and inserted inside a snow globe behind the natural history museum. well, since i didn’t get to see snow in stockholm, some fake snow in london are ok i guess.

buckingham palace
if you want to watch the changing of guards session, i suggest you pick this spot here. it’s at the gate on the right. the guards will come in through this gate and you’ll also have a good view of them marching and playing their instruments. and not forgetting some great photos.

Kesum then went off to Spain and Italy to join Afai, Mea and Anum jalan sakan. What did they do there besides sightseeing? Menari-nari! Don’t believe me? Just watch the clip below.

my friends sengal2 in spain

I then met Lin to borrow her Entrepreneurship notes. No, I wasn’t studying. I was just copying what she wrote on her notes. That’s right. Blindly copying, so that I could study later, nearer to the exam. Heh.

Then came Boxing Day. I went to Oxford Street with Hairy. As expected, there were many people. You could hardly breathe. Tu la, sapa suruh bangun lambat. Kalau awal2, takde la ramai sgt orang. Padan muka lagi. In the end, I didn’t buy anything for myself. I only bought a perfume gift set. What for? Untuk apa lagi, dah nama pun gift set. Takkan untuk kasi beruang makan kot. It’s for her. Not for me, or for you, and definitely not formants. Well, it is for you if you’re her of course. But if you’re me, or you’re you but not her, then it’s not for you. Understand?

At New Year’s Eve, I went to London Eye with Fairuz to see the fireworks display. We were supposed to meet Ammir, Faizal, Shean Lin, Azila and Nadia Rock at Westminster Bridge, but Shean Lin, Azila and Nadia Rock arrived late and the police had already blocked all entrances to the bridge because there were already too many people there.

new year i
faizal is making the ‘ooo.. he’s sooo cute’ face. that’s london eye behind us.

So the four of us walked around on the bridge and we bumped into Hana and her Warwick friends; Shimi, Ria and Kelly. And now there were eight. We waited and waited and waited until the clock struck twelve. Subhanallah, the fireworks display was spectacular. It wasn’t a waste of time waiting for a couple of hours on the bridge. Good thing I went.

new year ii
all eight of us on the bridge. and that’s the houses of parliament.

new year iii
happy 2008!

Then Adib paid Chamberlain House a visit. He came because his sister, whom he haven’t met for 2 years and his cousin were in London for a few days. One night we (Fairuz, Helmi, Shean Lin, Faizal, Ammir and I) went to Tinseltown with Adib. It’s kind of a steakhouse. Halal of course. And expensive. Takpe, bukan selalu Adib turun London. Their rare steak was delicious and juicy. Yummy. And as usual, Shean Lin arrived late. We had to wait for him to finish before we could leave.

faizal’s doing that face again in tinseltown. me and adib tried to copy, but failed miserably.

And then came my birthday. Thank you all for the warm wishes, cheesecakes, cards and gifts! A year older. A year wiser. A year handsomer.

birthday presents
birthday presents from my Special One. thanks!!!

In the afternoon I got a call from Kesum and Anum. They just arrived from Scotland.
Fadly, kitorang nak gi rumah ko sebab nak makan nasik.”
I was feeling serba salah because it wasn’t my turn to cook.
Hanafi, boleh x tolong masak lebih utk member2 aku?”
Boleh2. Takpe, hari ni birthday kau.”
Terima kasih!”

And so they came. Since there was nothing else to do, I let them play with the Xbox. Anum was quite good at Burnout Road Rage. Maybe it’s because she’s used to driving like that. And Kesum was moving with the gamepad. Hehe. Hairy also joined in the fun. The next day, Kesum flew back to Canada and Anum to Ireland.

Matlut and his friend from Japan, Michiko, also stayed at our place. Pear, already taking Japanese Level 3, had great fun talking and chatting with Michiko.

On the next Friday night, Jep and Hana suddenly came to our flat. My instincts tell me it must be because of the Xbox. They brought an SLR camera and I tried taking pictures with it. Nice. I don’t think I’ll be buying one, but I hope that Pear or Wan Aimran buys one so that I could be in their nice photographs. Hehe. Ammir also came. He even made us chocolate peanut butter fudge sunday. Impressive. Since he bought Nigella Express, a book that contains quick-and-easy-to-make recipes, he’s been making some tasty desserts. Hanafi was inspired, so he bought the book as well. It just arrived a few days ago. Hmmm, what will we be making this weekend?

xbox360 ii
yup, i (dengan bangganya) took this photo using the SLR camera. the focus is on fairuz, who just scored. jep is a blur because he’s pretty sad that he conceded a goal. everyone else is cheering.

Then came the Entrepreneurship exam. Oh wait. The night before, we celebrated Alvin and Hanafi’s back-to-back birthdays. Guess what Ammir made? Blueberry cheesecake! Deeeeelicious. Hanafi EE was there as well. The cheesecake made both Hanafis study harder. Ehe.

Dialog before the exam:
Aku dah bawak ikan bilis ngan cili kering. Aku nak masak nasi goreng kampung.” -Hanafi EE
Aku masak nasi goreng US. Baru la entrepreneur.” -Fadhli
Hahaha.” -Both Hanafis

Dialog during the exam:
Of course there weren’t any dialog during the paper. Dummy.

Dialog after the exam:

I goreng a nasi goreng US & UK special kaw-kaw in the exam, until my right hand was very tired. Hope I can get decent marks. These essay papers are a bit difficult to score in since they are very subjective.

Btw, I had to write this informal entry instead of just my boring web diary entries, kalau tidak nanti Nina bising. Hehehe, just kidding!

After the exam, I had a meeting with my second marker. Now that the exam has finished, I have to start working on my FYP. And I also need to finish my Power System Control, Measurement and Protection coursework which is due soon.

And I’ve been listening to Linkin Park everyday because I’ll be going to the Linkin Park Minutes To Midnight Tour at the O2 Arena soon. Yeah! Here’s one of their songs for you to enjoy:

linkin park – shadow of the day

I’ve just noticed that I’ve uploaded photos of all my housemates except one: Helmi. So here he is, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only, Mr Helmi!


I’ll start again,
And whatever pain may come.
Today this ends,
I’m forgiving what I’ve done.

~ by fadhli on Friday, January 18, 2008.

7 Responses to “what i’ve done”

  1. Oits…Gambar main pro evo tu..orang saje je kasi kalah, kang lain kali tak dapat main..btw, i did win 2 out of 3 games!!! hehe..still considered winner apa..

  2. Eh tak sangka pulak aku ada kelebihan untuk ‘teleport’. Lepas ni bolehlah aku singgah London selalu, ‘sup sap’ sekelip mata aku dah muncul kat sana hehe…

  3. jeff: as good hosts, we usually let our visitors win to make their visit more enjoyable and memorable. and to top that off, i’ve even added a link to your blog. hehe.

    matlut: yes, you can. but only at night. you’ll need to use a camera as your teleport machine. and don’t forget the tripod!

  4. Walaupun you buat muka tak secomel Faizal, tapi tetap comel di mata I. Hehehe.

    Pastu, I cadangkan, u pun belajar buat dessert tu. Nanti senang =)

    Btw, thank you for the gift set.

  5. hehe thanks.

    oh, I am planning to make a cheesecake this week, or maybe next week.

    and you’re welcome.

    (ninsy lohan? adoih..)

  6. Adoih?!? Sakit? ha ha

  7. adoihh

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